" We all have a face that we hide away forever And We take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone Some are Satin . some are steel, some are Silk and Some Leather They are the faces of the stranger and we love to try them On "
- Billy Joel,American Pianist
  Singer & Song Writer
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Access to Worldwide Source Dedicated processing unit Experienced Workforce High End Clientele Constant Upgradation
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Investors Contact
Compliance Officer:
Name: Ravi Shankar H.S. Sr. Officer-Corporate
Address: No. 21/2, Vittalnagar
Bangalore- 560 018
Phone: +91 80 - 267 422 52
Fax: +91 80 - 267 477 76
E - mail Id: shares.nel@gmail.com
RTA details:
BgSE Financials Limited
4th Floor, "Stock Exchange Towers",
(RTA Division)
No.51, 1st Cross, J.C.Road,
Bangalore - 560 027.
Karnataka, India
Phone: 080 - 41329661 / 66673353
E-mail: vp-rta@bfsl.co.in