" We all have a face that we hide away forever And We take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone Some are Satin . some are steel, some are Silk and Some Leather They are the faces of the stranger and we love to try them On "
- Billy Joel,American Pianist
  Singer & Song Writer
our strength
Access to Worldwide Source Dedicated processing unit Experienced Workforce High End Clientele Constant Upgradation
our clients
Garment Manufacturing Unit
Based in Bangalore, Karnataka, our garment manufacturing unit is strategically located, with skilled manpower and all modern machineries to take care of sampling & production.
Garment unit has facilities for CAD , Pattern Cutter Machines, experienced cutting section, skilled Tailors, seasoned supervisors, Tumble dryers, Hand finishing experts to execute the orders from cut to pack, in house.
Garment unit is audited under BSCI and complies in all respects to ensure that our customers meet their objectives of sourcing from a responsible & reliable suppliers.
Garments produced by Namaste are known for quality of workmanship and material . They are supplied in time to meet the needs of the customer to be in market at right time in right quantity.