" We all have a face that we hide away forever
And We take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone
Some are Satin . some are steel, some are Silk and Some Leather
They are the faces of the stranger and we love to try them On "
- Billy Joel,American Pianist
Singer & Song Writer
our strength
Access to Worldwide Source Dedicated processing unitExperienced WorkforceHigh End ClienteleConstant Upgradation
To keep our Customers Happy & Satisfied; Retain them with us for ever by meeting their needs on time every time, in addition to being in readiness to meet their emerging needs.
To Our Suppliers
Establish a meaningful interdependence based on mutually agreed terms and conditions covering Quality Requirements, Price and Delivery Schedule.
To Our Employees
Create a working environment that enhances their Self Esteem and Self Confidence through their own work, Effort and Contribution to step up Productivity, Quality and achieve Continuous Improvement.
“Namaste sources its leather from LWG Certified tanneries “
“Namaste’s garment manufacturing units are BSCI certified”